
haunted places


Urban Legends: Lakeshore Psychiatric Hospital

I'd bet that everyone has, at some point or another in their lives, heard various urban legends. Maybe you heard it in a nursery school rhyme while playing hopscotch on the playground.  Maybe it was something whispered to you at a sleepover when you were a pre-teen. Maybe it was something that made the rounds in the hall at school that you heard from your best friend's sister's boyfriend's brother's girlfriend who heard from this guy who knows this kid who's going with some girl. LOCAL LORE When I was a kid living in the suburbs of Toronto, we moved down the s[...]


My Ghost Hunting Adventure

On August 22nd I met up with the East Central Indiana Paranormal Investigators in Muncie, Indiana. Why? BECAUSE I WAS INVITED TO GO GHOST HUNTING WITH THEM! If you couldn't tell from the all caps, I was so very excited. A fan of the Sy-Fy show Ghost Hunters since its beginning, participating in an actual investigation has been a dream of mine. Ghosts fascinate me. I want to see one, hear one... to experience something, anything paranormal. Just once in my life. Once. Is that too much to ask? Maybe. On meeting the team, I tried to be cool, but who am I kidding[...]


Reality Inspires Fiction

Hi again! Today I want to share when horror dreams come true. And no, not those dreams. If the dolls from my nightmare had dragged me down the stairs, I would still be screaming. I'm talking about when your favorite creepy fiction has a basis in reality, for when those two world collide... fabulousness happens. One of my all time favorite scary books is Stephen King's THE SHINING. The creep factor in this one blows me away. I've read it a few times and will never think that a hedge animal is something cute. I also knew that he wrote this book after ha[...]