
YA Horror Novels: Part One

If there’s one thing most people can agree on about YA & NA literature, is that horror is not a largely represented category. So I wanted to make the first of many lists showing young adult and new adult horror. There are actually several awesome lists of YA horror on Goodreads, and you can find them here: Popular YA Horror, Scariest YA Book, and Young Adult Horror.

Today I will focus on young adult horror literature and then next time, we’ll look at some new adult horror.

Behold the list in all it’s horrific glory!

Young Adult Horror

Anna Dressed in Blood

Anna Dressed in Blood

Click here to read synopsis on Goodreads


The Monstrumologist

The Monstromologist

Click here to read synopsis on Goodreads


Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children


Click here to read synopsis on Goodreads


The Forest of Hands and Teeth

Forest of Hands and Teeth

Click here to read synopsis on Goodreads


The Replacement


Click here to read synopsis on Goodreads


The Madman’s Daughter

Madman's Daughter

Click here to read synopsis on Goodreads


The Devouring


Click here to read synopsis on Goodreads


The Drowned Forest

Drowned Forest

Click here to read synopsis on Goodreads


This Is Not A Test

This is Not a Test

Click here to read synopsis on Goodreads


I have read several of the books on this list including Anna Dressed in Blood, Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children, and The Replacement, and I’ve loved them. So tell me, have you read any of the books on this list? What are your favorites? Which ones would you like to see on my list next time?

Let me know in the comments below!

Happy Haunting!

Jolene - Midnight Society Signatures

  • kirabutler
    March 24, 2014

    I have! Anna Dressed in Blood, Miss Peregrine’s, and The Replacement. I tried The Monstrumologist but couldn’t get into it.

    Really love just about everything from Daniel Kraus (Rotters, Scowler, The Monster Variations, etc.), and have recently discovered a vicious love for Marcus Sedgwick via White Crow.

    Itching to read Gretchen McNeil too (Ten, Possess, and 3:59). Would love to give The Murmurings by Carly Anne West a spin at some point too, I’m just trying to work up to it. It’s got a heavy Ringu vibe, and revenge spirits with the dark hair and mouldy skin crawling out of mirrors or wells or whatever really freak me out.

  • Kathy Palm
    March 24, 2014

    I haven’t read any of these! So my TBR list just got longer. I love horror. I am a big Stephen King fan, but haven’t quite found YA horror books yet. So thanks for sharing. 🙂

  • krystal jane
    March 24, 2014

    Too scared to read Anna Dressed in Blood. Lol! But I really liked Some Quiet Place by Kelsey Sutton. That was a lot of fun to read.

  • Cait Stuff
    March 24, 2014

    The Yancey series has been on my TBR forever. And amazon keeps thinking that I NEED TO OWN Anna Dressed in Blood and The Replacement, so there’s a good chance that I will cave to pressure sometime soon.

    Probably also soon, I will be putting up a review/lit analysis nerd post about Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children as I am just now reading book II. I HAVE THOUGHTS. (Good thoughts. I keep being terrified that the author will make a Horrible Mistake and ruin it all for me, and it keeps not happening.)

    I look forward to your next list… I am well familiar with the YA and MG horror titles, but know nothing about what is out there for NA. Can’t wait to check it out!

  • Sandi Jones
    March 25, 2014

    My all-time favorite is The Monstrumologist. I also enjoyed The Devouring and The Unquiet. Both could’ve been a horror flick, IMHO. Just perfect. 🙂

  • Melinda Jane Harrison
    December 31, 2014

    I’ve read the top six and they were all very good. Love the list. Must reread some of these books.

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