
American Horror Story- Horror on TV



I’m not afraid to tell you that I love watching TV. Some of what I watch is filler–you know, background noise while I’m working on dinner or other household things. But, every once and a while a new show comes along an totally hooks me. American Horror Story is one of those shows. What blows my mind about this show, is that each season actors and/or actresses play the roles of different characters.

Take Jessica Lange fromĀ Season 1: Murder House. In this season, Lange plays nosey neighbor Constance Langdon. The neighbors, played by Dylan McDermott and Connie Britton, live in a haunted house. Constance’s daughter Addie is drawn to the house by a supernatural pull, one that continuously brings her into the house. So much happens in this season, but one thing is for sure–the man in the black rubber suit was the freakiest part of the season.


In Season 2: Asylum, Lange trades her suburban attire for a nun’s habit. Briarcliff, once a hospital specializing in patients with tuberculosis, now an insane asylum run by the Catholic church. As with Lange, another actor from season 1 re-emerges–Evan Peters. This season was so disturbing, what with an unidentified monster running around in the woods and a mad scientist who enjoys experimenting on the patients.


Season 3: CovenĀ was not only the most talked about season, but it also brought back the most actors of any other season. Jessica Lange, Evan Peters, Sarah Paulson, Lily Rabe, and Jaime Brewer all come together with Angela Bassett and Kathy Bates to create an all star season. All kinds of magic swirl around the coven, as the witches fight to retain their powers and become the Supreme. What I find extremely interesting about this season is the character Kathy Bates plays, Marie Delphine LaLaurie. Madame LaLaurie, born in 1775, was a real-life socialite who became a serial killer–torturing and murdering slaves.

Season 4 American Horror Story: Freak Show is bound to push boundaries and have a crazy, over the top ending to celebrate Jessica Lange leaving the show. I know I’m most excited what horrors await us in October.




  • Faith McKay
    April 1, 2014

    I love American Horror Story! Season two gave me nightmares.

  • kirabutler
    April 1, 2014

    Mamzelle Marie Laveau was a real player in the New Orleans Voodoo scene in the 17th century too. I love that they respected some of the history: she owned a hair salon and collected on local gossip that she would use to her advantage with high paying clients to work her magic.

    I’m very much looking forward to Season 4. A little disappointed that Taissa Farmiga hasn’t been announced on the roster though. (Violet/Tate forever. As twisted as it was.)

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