
Edgar Allan Poe’s Morella and the Murders in the Rue Morgue


If you’re a fan of horror comics, or of Edgar Allan Poe, today this one shot comic from Richard Corben hits the stands. It’s a retelling of the two short stories Morella and The Murders in the Rue Morgue–stories of killer apes, and the return of the dead.  You can pick it up at your local comic shop, or digitally on Comixology, Dark Horse, or Amazon.

If you prefer collections, you can find these stories later this year reprinted in a hardbound collection, which will include Corben’s previous Edgar Allan Poe retellings, which will be titled Edgar Allan Poe’s Spirts of the Dead. You can find that collection, and the other retellings Richard Corben has done so far, right here on Dark Horse Comics.

Do you have a favorite Poe story? I’ve always been a fan of the popular The Tell-Tale Heart, but the poem Annabel Lee will always be my favorite piece of Poe.

  • krystal jane
    June 11, 2014

    Ooh, interesting!
    I have a few favorites, but my most favorites are “The Masque if the Red Death” and “The Cask of Amontillado.” ^_^ And I LOVE “The Raven.” I love reading it aloud. ^_^

    Annabelle Lee was actually the very first poem I remember reading by him. It was my gateway into Poe Fandom. ^_^

    • Faith McKay
      krystal jane
      June 12, 2014

      The Raven is another popular one, for good reasons! Have you read Masque of the Red Death by Bethany Griffin? https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/12924275-masque-of-the-red-death I was looking at picking it up. I believe it’s a retelling of the Poe classic.

      • krystal jane
        Faith McKay
        June 12, 2014

        Ooh, no I haven’t! Thanks for the link. ^_^

      • Jolene Haley
        Faith McKay
        June 13, 2014


      • Kissed by Ink
        Faith McKay
        June 16, 2014

        I’ve read this and it’s fantastically well done!

    • Jolene Haley
      krystal jane
      June 13, 2014

      Yessss Krystal! I love Annabelle Lee! I don’t think I’ve ever read The Raven aloud. Methinks this needs to change! 😛

      • Faith McKay
        Jolene Haley
        June 16, 2014

        The Raven should definitely be read aloud!

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