
Your Favorite Zombies

What’s your favorite zombie mythos?

I really enjoy it when writers take a common mythology and put their own spin on it. I mentioned Hollowland a couple weeks ago, and I was a big fan of the unique, and disgusting, take on zombies. In a completely different vein, Midnight Society’s very own TA Brock has the Fatal series, where the zombies are only gross for a brief time near the end. The Other Life by Susan Winnacker has zombies, called Weepers, who have a rabies mutation.

Still, my favorite zombies, are probably The Walking Dead, which is part of why I think it’s such a popular series. The thing that gains my respect is pretty simple and small, but was the big surprise learned by Rick at the end of season one (and not exposed to the rest for a while after that), so if you aren’t a fan of The Walking Dead this is a spoiler, but, the zombie virus is carried in all of us. If you die, whether you’re bit or not, you’ll turn. The thing I appreciate about this is that in so many stories, I’m confused by how it spread so fast without being able to contain it or beat it altogether. The confusion over what was happening, with the terror of knowing that you’ll turn no matter what you do, really explains to me how the world got to such a horrifying condition. Also, the herds are freaking creepy.

So, Midnighters! There are my thoughts. What about you? Who are your favorite zombies?

  • Summer Wier (@SummerWier)
    August 6, 2014

    My favorites are definitely FATAL zombies. Love their guts (or lack of guts) with all my heart!

  • Kathy Palm
    August 6, 2014

    I do LOVE the FATAL zombies! Such a unique twist. But I’ll take Bill Murray in Zombieland any day, fun movie!

    • Faith McKay
      Kathy Palm
      August 7, 2014

      Zombieland is by far my favorite zombie story! I’ve watched it dozens of times.

  • Jackie Mason
    August 6, 2014

    My favorite zombies are The Walking Dead zombies, fab show, too! Check out mine @ smashwords.com/profile/view/JackieMason for The Shuffler’s Dance. Whatever the how or why of the zombies, to me it’s the characters who make the story worth remembering. 🙂

    • Faith McKay
      Jackie Mason
      August 7, 2014

      The characters are my favorite part of any story, but I do love an interesting world and set of magic and all those things. I’m still waiting for my Hogwarts letter.

      • Jackie Mason
        Faith McKay
        August 7, 2014

        I know! The Harry Potter books/movies were just magical. Especially the first two, in my view. Unfortunately, I’ll never get a Hogwarts letter, either! 🙂

  • T.A. Brock
    August 13, 2014

    Aww! I’ve been so absent from the internet the past few weeks I just saw this! I HAVE to love my Fatal zombies the most, but man, I am SUCH a Walking Dead fan. I feel kind of lost during the summer when the show is on hiatus. 🙂

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