
Me & Tate Langdon 4Eva

The new season of American Horror Story is just on the horizon and I am SO excited to see the show’s token bizarre creepiness taken in this freaky direction. (Kira did a speculative post about the upcoming season here.)

season 4 poster

I’m doing cartwheels over Evan Peters (who is a total cutie butt, and I only feel like a little bit of a dirty old lady saying it) coming back, this time as Jimmy Darling, son of the freak show owners. Last season, Peters’ character Kyle Spencer was a bit wasted. He was something of a Frankenstein’s monster, which is a neat concept, but the writers had him spending most of the season shuffling around trying to remember how to verbally form words.

Season two’s Kit Walker was definitely meatier and more engaging. But it’s season one’s Tate Langdon that I completely fell for.

Tate skull

Tate Langdon. Oh, how I loved you. You were a mass murderer. A rapist. You did many despicable things. And yet at your core you were this tender, tortured little soul.

Your mother was awful. You clearly had ALL KINDS of unaddressed mental and emotional issues. You were broken and no one loved you. Until Violet.


Tate made us all believe that everyone just wants to be loved. And sometimes even the worst guys, apparently, can still make really decent boyfriends? *tap dances away from that idea*

Because can we talk about the bathtub scene? Can we talk about how a show that is supposed to be all blood and shocks and scares and wacko behavior… well, it made me cry, guys. This scene? Yep, you better believe I was weepy.

T and V tub


Season one had some stellar writing. It took a horrendous character and made himĀ incredibly sympathetic. I rooted for Tate through everything… and if you’ve seen season one, you know that “everything” includes massive amounts of psychotic shizz. And although I remain an avid fan of American Horror Story, I’m still waiting to feel that connected and in love with a character again. Season one has not been topped. It set a character bar that the show has yet to meet again.

Tate cry

Tate Langdon, I will love your crazy, homicidal guts until the end of time.


Who is your favorite AHS story character thus far?



  • Kissed by Ink
    September 21, 2014

    That scene in the bathtub is one of my favorites! Actually, I think I’m going to rewatch this today! Love Tate and can’t wait to see him in the new season!

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