
Women in Horror Month: Places of Interest


It’s February, which for the better part of the population means the month of Valentine’s Day (why a whole month for that, I dunno. Consumer holiday? I’m celebrating, so I shouldn’t talk.) But for a chunk of the horror-appreciating demographic, it’s also a month-long celebration of Women in the Horror industry.

To commemorate that bad girls of dark fiction, a few women who kickass at the dark stuff, I’ve collected a few of my favourite blogs who focus on writing horror, reading horror, and watching horror films.

If you visit the Women in Horror Month website, you may find a collection of events in your geographic area, and you have the opportunity to submit your own. But what do you do if you can’t travel physically?

Well, you can find some fabulous females dedicated to genre in its various permutations online.

Check out a few of my favourite women-run horror sites. My kudos to these ladies who are rocking it:

Open Graves, Open Minds

“The Open Graves, Open Minds project relates the undead in literature, art, and other media to questions concerning gender, technology, consumption, and social change, and was initiated by a prominent and exciting conference in April 2010. It extends to all narratives of the fantastic, the fabulous, and the magical.”


Graveyard Shift Sisters

“Graveyard Shift Sisters is a blog that works to highlight and celebrate the experiences, representations, achievements, and creative works of Black women and women of color in the horror (and science fiction) genres.”


Notebook of Ghosts

“Hello, I’m Ashley. When I was very young, I was obsessed with ghost stories. I kept a small notebook with black pages in which I would jot down (with Gelly Roll pens, of course) ghost stories I heard, terms I learned, and quotes I enjoyed. I would print out ghost stories and pictures from the internet (thanks AOL) and glue them into my notebook. It was filled with handwriting, printed text, graphics, sketches. I assumed it would be a guidebook for my future career as a paranormal investigator.”


Dead Darlings

“Dead Darlings is devoted to celebrating the novel, from the process of creation through revision, promotion and publication. The authors, alumni from GrubStreet Boston’s Novel Incubator, have gathered to provide support for all novelists: aspiring, developing or successful. Writing is best when it has the support of a community, when novelists share their experiences.”


Horror Made

“I am an artist, first and foremost. I express myself through many different mediums, but at the heart of it, I’m obsessed with a good story. So I am constantly celebrating the forms of story-telling, and exploring new ways to share the tales I have rattling around in my head.”



See more Women in Horror Month Events at the main website:

Women in Horror Month 2016

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