There is darkness and there is light, and one of my favorite carriers of both is Midnight Society member, Jenna. You see, it’s Jenna’s birthday and today we’re celebrating!
Happy Birthday Jenna!
For your birthday I give you the link to the Black Tapes podcast so that you can listen to Dr. Strand talkĀ for 40 hours nonstop and be happy (and also send me the next chapters for that book you’ve got me hooked on!).
I also send you the recipe for Halloween Sugar Cookie cake that looks BOMB. Here’s the recipe.
Oh, and this message from Stranger Things personalized for you.
<3 Jolene
Hey there, birthday girl! I can’t tell you how much I’ve enjoyed you being part of this most excellent creeptastic team! So I booked us rooms, so we can get away and celebrate…
Looks lovely, right? I’m sure the people there are great!
I wouldn’t recommend taking the elevator.
I’ll make sure the tools are put away.
We’ll get a drink…
Maybe do some writing…
Play some games outside…
And definitely throw a killer bash…
It’ll be epic. So, here’s to my Friday post buddy, you make me smile. Happy birthday!
I brought you some horror movie soundtracks to listen to while writing. These three movies have amazing soundtracks:
Dawn of the Dead (Zombi)
A wonderful score by the Italian bad Goblin, who are best known for working with Dario Argento.
Nightmare on Elm Street
A great score by Charles Bernstein, who also did the music for Cujo, April Fool’s Day and Deadly Friend (one of my all time favorites).
Like every other John Carpenter (and Alan Howarth) score, this one is just amazing. The movie is pretty great as well. It doesn’t get much better than John Carpenter directing a movie based on a Stephen King story.

P.S. We all like you so very, very much. Happy Birthday. <3 TDG
James Herington
This is a nice way to celebrate becoming another year older. Happy Birthday Jenna
James HeringtonWe agree! The spookier the better! Thanks for stopping by!