They are the first thing I boxed up and threw in the attic after watching Poltergeist, and now I have a few heads hanging around. Who would have thought I’d be decorating with dolls as an adult.
As far as I’m concerned, dolls have been used in films for one reason.
They. Are. Scary. As. Hell.
So, of course AHS would choose to feature a talking and bleeding doll and creepy black spiders. I mean, why not? I am super excited to see what Lady Gaga does this season. Haven’t seen the trailer? Check this out!
Faith McKay
I knew you’d love that promo. 😀 lol
Jolene Haley
OMG I saw that promo and thought of you!!!! I can’t wait!
Kathy Palm
I liked the first episode! Can’t wait for the doll episode!
Amy Giuffrida
I can’t wait to see what this season has in store for us! And a doll episode would make it the BEST!