
Happy Valentine’s Day!

I’m sure you read the title of my post and questioned why I sound so excited…we’re usually a little more bloody around here. I’ll get to that in a second, but first let me explain. This year is different.

Kind of.

This year is all about starting over and making new memories. Today, my boyfriend and I are celebrating anti-Valentine’s Day style. Every day, at least in my humble opinion, should be Valentine’s Day. Celebrating your relationship with love and kindness should not just be a focus one day of the year. Spending time together is the whole point of the day though, right?


Instead of spending the money on flowers and chocolate, we are taking the time together. Making a nice dinner–together. Watching The Walking Dead–together (which is our regular weekly thang anyway). What could be better than food and horror? Of course there will be teens grabbing at all the yummy dinner, and we’ll be fighting to make sure we get our hands on food too, but that’s par for the course.

Really it’s just a regular Tuesday that I am lucky enough to spend with B. And he gets my whole “I love horror” thing.

So my fellow horror lovers, how are you spending the day? Are you watching My Bloody Valentine?

Stoked that TWD is back on and Rick is finally going to be a bad ass again?

Those of you getting engaged right now…here’s a great Pinterest Board with some ways to begin planning your event.


And as always…share your fun plans with us below.

  • Erica Secor
    February 17, 2017

    AMY omg. This is outstanding. I spent it re-watching The 6th Sense. And your Pinterest game is STRONG.

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