
A Very Merry Unbirthday for Faith McKay

Today is a special day. A very special day for our Ghost Faith Killah!

Why? Because it’s her unbirthday! Take a deep breath, drink a potion, and step through a tiny door to her very, merry unbirthday celebration!


We’ve gathered and arranged some special gifts for you to celebrate you the way you deserve!



Dear Ghost Faith Killah,

It is your Unbirthday.

My gift to you on this Unbirthday is a poem I never wrote:

Unwrote poem for Faith

I also ungot you a balloon.

Faith’s unballoon.

Gee golly wombats, I’m ready for snack time.

Snack time.

Have an excellent Unbirthday!


The Davis Girl


Faith, you are such an extraordinary human. I greatly admire you and your artistic nature, your love for adventure, and your can-do, go-get-em spirit! You are truly a miracle and I’m so thankful you’re a part of this team. my favorite world traveler.

For your unbirthday, I got you this elixir, that’s supposed to transport you to a distant land to a place you may have heard of…Wonderland! Chase it with this cupcake and tiny bite.


Once you arrive in the magical land, there will be Strawberry Peach lemonade coolers.

Click here for this delicious recipe.

Then after that, we’re going to have a Wonderland photoshoot.


Be very careful though, I heard not everyone is nice there. Some of them are…a little mad.


May your travels be safe, your new year be fruitful and merry, and may all the words flow from your fingertips.


Happy Undead Birthday, Faith! Have a little fun to celebrate your special day!

Play a game:

Image result for undead birthday


Take pictures to immortalize the day:

Halloween horror movies photo booth props

Eat cake:

Cake of horrors

And be merry:

'Bring Out the Boos!' is a fun One Pager providing horror-themed cocktails for your upcoming Halloween party. The Single Page website features clearly laid out cocktail recipes alongside good imagery of the drink on a gory background.


A very merry unbirthday! Always ready to offer information. Always ready to help. Always a brilliant mind thinking creative and sometimes scary thoughts…Faith! You are awesome.

I hope there was cake on your special day. I hope no zombies crashed the party. Or maybe I hope they did so you could fight them off in a flurry of steel blades and roaring chainsaws.  Because as you are exploring the world, or so you say…we all know you are secretly out destroying monsters. Make sure to take a break now and then as you save the world.

For cake..




Happy Birthday Faith–or rather a very Merry Unbirthday to you!




The Midnight Society

  • Faith McKay
    December 28, 2017

    Thanks guys 😀

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