9th Annual #Spookyshowcase call for submissions – These deadly curses

I’m delighted to announce, in collaboration with The Midnight Society, the 9th annual Halloween showcase: THESE DEADLY CURSES. The #SpookyShowcase is an annual tradition to celebrate autumn, October, and all things spooky.
What is the #SpookyShowcase?
The Spooky Showcase supports the clever minds of creatives around the world through short stories, artistic creations, and more. This showcase is known to celebrate October magic, the macabre, and horror-inspired work.
What is this year’s theme?
This year’s theme is These Deadly Curses. All submissions must include this theme.
These Deadly Curses is all about deadly spells tucked in old books. It’s about secrets, never intended to be spoken. It’s about wicked promises made in malice. It’s about cursed, haunted curiosities purchased at a thrift store with devastating consequences. Think superstitions, rumors whispered in drafty corridors, oaths made out of desperation, and my favorite trope of all—revenge.
Or maybe your idea has nothing to do with any of those. As long as your creation surrounds this year’s theme (These Deadly Curses), whatever that means to you, you’re doing it right.
Who can participate?
All creators are welcome (artists, authors, etc.). All genres and age categories are welcome. All talent levels welcome. The level of spooky is up to the contributor.
What can I contribute?
You can contribute a story, art, or both (story and art). There have also been other types of submissions (like interactive submissions). Out of the box thinking is welcome.
How do I sign up?
You can sign up here: https://forms.gle/buC5E7qFeecDXLtD6
I will close the form down when it’s full, so if you can sign up, you’re in!
How many submissions are ACCEPTED?
I am only accepting the first 45 people to sign up. If you can sign up, you’re in!
When are submissions due?
These Deadly Curses submissions are due: September 19, 2021.
Where do I submit them and where will they be featured?
When ready, submissions can be uploaded here: https://forms.gle/VdFDzf1Z6AkSHzk6A
I will contact you as I schedule your work. Submissions will be featured here, on the Midnight Society website.
Submissions must be free from racism, sexism, ageism, etc.