Author Monica Kuebler started her Blood Magic series in 2012 with an online serial called Bleeder posted to Wattpad.
The book ended up expanding into 4, and now has over 628K Reads on Wattpad. It’s obvious the horror/romance/paranormal/vampire YA series has touched a nerve with readers looking for a modern blood-soaked saga.
Haven’t read any of the books in the series? You can start at the beginning by joining Monica as she hosts a read-along of Bleeder over the next few weeks.
As Monica reads through the book that started it all, she will be sharing official posts on her Patreon for free. Additional posts (probably juicy and oh, so chilling) will be shared to patrons at the $1 patron level.
Want to get a head-start? Head over to Wattpad to start reading Bleeder for free. Then visit the Facebook page to get in on the discussion.