


The Consuming Shadow: An Eldritch Abomination Ate My Silhouette

This week's theme is supposed to be ghosts but since I already talked about the only game with ghosts I could think of, so I'll review a game so hard that it makes the player a ghost of themselves. Whatever. We're rolling with it. Back in 2010, the year you'll be posting about on Facebook with a picture of a USB drive and the caption of "dur, thunk kidz theze dayz kow what dis is?" as you slowly realize with growing horror that yes, you really are as boring and banal as your kids think you are, I discovered internet critic/comedian Yahtzee Croshaw, and to my[...]


YA Ghostly Reads

Hey ghouls and goblins! There's no better time to talk about ghost books than the month of October, right? I never lived in a haunted house--heck I've never seen a ghost--but I have read about them...a lot. And 2014-2015 has seen a slew of new YA ghost books published. Some written by well-known authors, while some are debuts. None of these books is anything short of a fun ride, but this list is not all inclusive. Rather, it's only a snapshot of the ghostly goodness you can find in the YA section of your local library or book store. Enjoy! It’s summertime[...]


Horror Clothes – They Are Killer

My fabulous friend Ezekiel shared the BEST website with me today. Have you ever said, “I wish I could feel the warm embrace of Jason Voorhees.” How about, “I desperately want to wrap Halloween around my neck.” What about, "If I looked like Freddy Krueger, I'd get all the girls." Well, your life is about to change! Especially if you're one of those on-it people who do all of their holiday shopping before October and you've got a horror lover on the list. It appears that has anticipated this and already has the COOLEST clothing and a[...]


Interview: Aaron Mahnke

Hello, kittens!   I have an extra special post for you all to feast your peepers on. First of all, I want to congratulate the winner of my First Post Giveaway....Hay Farris!! I'll track you down and start building you the coolest package ever. If that's not exciting enough, I'm a beyond thrilled to have Aaron Mahnke on the blog today! If you don't know Aaron, not only does he write incredible supernatural thrillers, but he is the creator/host/producer/king of the podcast LORE. (I'll wait while you frantically listen to all the episodes your day allows. I[...]


Unleashed Awesomeness: Hillary Monahan Interview

Back when fellow Society member, Cat Burglar, International Adventuress, and Supreme Necromancer, Countess Kim von Graff innocently asked me to contribute at (now e-zine Strange Far Places), I started off writing reviews, where I treated YA horror with all the literary criticism I thought the genre deserved. One of the titles in those halcyon days before my brutal murder at the hands of schismatics was Mary The Summoning. It was also my first positive review. Then I had a small heart attack when Hillary tweeted me to say how much she loved my[...]


The Tale of the Reoccurring Goblin

Hello, kittens.   We all have that one story we like to tell at parties. You know the one I'm talking about. It usually starts with "It happened to a  friend of a friend of mine..." They're usually just trendy retellings of our favourite urban legends. They're supposed to capture your attention in between drink refills, not scare you. I never thought any of them were true...until I heard the story of the goblins. Submitted for the approval of the Midnight Society, I call this story "The Tale of the Reoccurring Goblin".     I remember it l[...]


The Count Everyone Forgets

Mea culpa, mea culpa, maximum mea culpa. Dear readers, we here at the Society work hard to bring you quality content. We cover all things horror, from books, to games, to movies, so this oversight on our part is inexcusable. If you decide never to read us again, I understand. We're all doing a lot a of soul searching right now. There's many Counts in horrors--Dracula, The counting Count, Countess Bathory, but we here at the Society have criminally ignored the one, the greatest Count of all. The one. The only. The Count Chocula. Count Chocula was first introd[...]


Remembering Roddy Piper With THEY LIVE

I was shocked and saddened to learn about the passing of “Rowdy” Roddy Piper a couple weeks back. In addition to being one of my favorite wrestlers of all time, Roddy Piper teamed with my favorite director John Carpenter in 1988 for a movie that has had a profound influence on my own work--They Live. At the time They Live came out, both Carpenter and Piper were both still huge in their respective industries. Carpenter had been on a decade-long directorial run of amazing genre movies that included Halloween, The Fog, Escape from New York, The Thing, Christin[...]


Stange Far Places is a strange and far place.

Before Kim Graff and I ended up here at the The Society, we were blogging over at, but tragically as life got busier, The Asylum got pushed put further and further back on the back burner. It wasn't from a lack of desire---we simply felt that we weren't doing anything unique that helped push the genre forward. However, we didn't want to give up on the site either, we just wanted to do something that people couldn't get anywhere else. So we started a biannual e-zine for YA and MG horror short stories, Strange Far Places.  Horror has one of the str[...]


The May Queen Murders Cover Reveal + Interview

    And... BOOM! Look at that gorgeous cover! It's like Lana Del Rey's art director mated with the first season of True Detective at a street art convention. This one's going on my shelf where I keep the books with covers I can't stop looking at. (Special thanks to YA Book Central for letting The Society in on the fun, you can find their original reveal here (Oh hey, its a giveaway too)). It gets even better! Here's the book description: Two girls: one with a secret, one with a promise that she’d uncover it. Welcome to Rowan’s Glen—a pla[...]