
Jonathan Maberry


Writing Bloody- Series vs. Serial

  My favorite TV show of all time--Buffy the Vampire Slayer--is a series. What does that mean? Well, a series is a show with the same characters throughout, but the each episode is a different story. Take the Once More with Feeling episode. Admittedly one of my favorites, the characters are compelled by a demon to sing their truths. One episode. That's it. Yes, BtVS does have a thread that is carried throughout each episode--the love between the Slayer and th[...]


What I’m Thankful for: Horror Edition Part 2

It's almost my favorite day of the year...Thanksgiving. Not all of the family will be at the house this year. We'll be missing my sister and brother-in-law, but I'll still have 16 of my loved ones all under the same roof. Cooking for this many is a lot of work, but I still love hosting this celebration. Last week, the planning of this huge dinner was just a label for a new board on Pinterest. Today I type Part 2 of my thankful post with the aroma of pecan pie swirling in the air. Yum! What I'm Thankful for: 6.  The CW I know last week I gave a shout out for the[...]


Creepy Cocktails and a Haunted Interview with Jonathan Maberry

Halloween is the best time to hold a huge bash. I mean the kids get their fun by dressing up and Trick-or-Treating, so why can't the adults have fun too? For those of you who are planning an ADULT Halloween party this year, we thought it would be fun to give you some zombie inspired cocktail ideas. And for those who are holding a horror book themed party, there's no better author to pair these with than Jonathan Maberry (click on links for recipe and website information).      Zombie Slime Shooters              [...]