


Monsters of Dr. Who… Weeping Angels

As old as the universe. No one knows where they come from. The Weeping Angels of Dr. Who. In 2007, the Tenth Doctor (David Tennant) met these creepy statues in the episode "Blink". Created by Stephen Moffat, these aliens quickly became the scariest monsters on the show.   Look at them and they are unable to move, quantum locked, which protects them... the ultimate defense. However, look away and they attack, moving extremely fast, surrounding their victim in the blink of an eye. Their serene faces twist into an evil snarl with vampire-like teeth. The[...]


Stange Far Places is a strange and far place.

Before Kim Graff and I ended up here at the The Society, we were blogging over at ya-asylum.com, but tragically as life got busier, The Asylum got pushed put further and further back on the back burner. It wasn't from a lack of desire---we simply felt that we weren't doing anything unique that helped push the genre forward. However, we didn't want to give up on the site either, we just wanted to do something that people couldn't get anywhere else. So we started a biannual e-zine for YA and MG horror short stories, Strange Far Places.  Horror has one of the str[...]


Horror and Heavy Metal: A Match Made In…

Horror and heavy metal--they go together like peanut butter and chocolate. Why do these two great tastes taste so great together? There are some very obvious reasons, and I found myself thinking about them quite a bit when I attended a horror convention and a heavy metal music festival in the same weekend. On Saturday July 18th, I spent the day selling books and hanging out at the Connecticut Horror Fest. My friends over at the Horror News Network put on another great show, and their star-studded guest lineup featured Doug Bradley (Pinhead in Hellraiser), Gunnar[...]


Let’s Talk About Ideas: Our Answers

So last week, I posted a few questions for us all to think about. Horror writers have to be inspired by something to get the story ideas that they cultivate into scary novels and films. But the question is, where? How? And just so you know, not all horror writers are crazy;) So, for all of you out there that wonder where the hell it all begins...here are a few answers: Where do your ideas for a new story come from? 1. My ideas come from taking all the things I love and slamming them together until they work. 2.  My brain is sort of always marinating in a 80s ste[...]


Mary Unleashed Review

(If you're unfamiliar with my book reviews, then check out my review of Mary the Summoning here you've been warned.) (Disclaimer: the success of a writer is wholly dependent on the internet critic prognosticating about said writer, and has remotely nothing to do with the talent, work ethic, long hours, determination, years spent honing their craft, or intelligence of the writer. Obviously.) I supported Hillary Monahan from the moment Mary the Summoning hit shelves. While all other YA horror kept walking itself off a cliff from either outright stupidity, heavy-h[...]


Emotion Brings Horror to Life

So, I had a blog idea all set, then I took myself to see... And I tossed my original idea out the window. I am a fan of the Insidious films. I've seen the first two oh so many times and I love them. The Lamberts fight to survive against an evil threatening to tear their family apart. The ideas in this movie fascinate me. The images send shudders of delight through my horror-loving brain. The character who interested me the most was Elise, the psychic, the one with the power to see what haunted them, to guide them into the Further to do what had to be done[...]


Goodreads Horror Book Lists

I'm a huge fan of Goodreads and there's one feature I love about it the most...Goodreads Listopia. What in the heck is Goodreads Listopia? Goodreads Listopia are lists of books that are created by users in order to lump similar books together. Users can also vote on books that they think should be added to the lists. You can do a general search of Listopia by using this link. My Favorite Horror Listopia Lists There's a multitude of MG and YA horror book lists on Goodreads so I thought that I would share a few of my favorites. Best YA Horror Books and Series Y[...]


Arkham Horror: The Granddaddy of Tabletop Horror

Just within the past fifteen years boardgames got interesting, and then promptly entered a golden age. No more was there the blandy McBlanderson choices of Monopoly, Sorry, and Candyland (Clue, of course is amazing) of the past eighty years, and no longer did you need a math degree if you wanted to get into the more obscure stuff. Then came 2005, when the great Fantasy Flight Games released a cleaned-up second edition of an obscure Lovecraftian game from the '80s called Arkham Horror. Arkham Horror is a cooperative game for 1 to 8 players. It's the 1920s, an[...]


Monsters of Dr. Who… The Minotaur

WELCOME to the third Friday of the month... umm, hang on *checks calendar* Ahem. Yes! The third Friday of the month! For all Midnight Societers (is that a word? It is now!), it's Dr. Who day, at least in the land of Kathy it is. Once again, I bring you horror cleverly hidden in a science fiction show. The Dr. Who episode THE GOD COMPLEX written by Toby Whithouse aired in 2011 and starred Matt Smith as the 11th Doctor. Yes, this episode had a great monster, but more than that, this show had an all around horror vibe. Dr. Who does that. And I love it. Every s[...]


Fatal Frame: The Best of the Best

Nintendo recently announced that Fatal Frame V: Oracle of the Sodden Raven, a game that was until now a Japan-only release, would finally make it's way to a America and Europe later this year for the Wii U, so I thought it would be a good time to look back on this criminally ignored series. Out of the original unholy trilogy of survival horror---Resident Evil, Silent Hill, and Fatal Frame---Frame Frame was by far the scariest of the three. It took the rich environments of Resident Evil and the relentless psychological warfare of Silent Hill, added in a[...]