


Camp Grizzly: A bloody love letter to slasher movies.

There are few things I love more than slasher movies---they're horror stripped down to it's barest, dumbest essentials, and it's wonderful in all of it's confused, faux-morality tale wackiness. I also love board gaming, and in the past fifteen years tabletop gaming has exploded as hobby. In fact, the most interesting work in horror today is coming from game designers. If you want atmosphere, great art, and fun, horror games is the place right now. If you've never played any recent board games, I can't recommend it enough. The thing that makes it great is th[...]


MTV’s Eye Candy

I was super disappointed to get the news this weekend. A new TV show that I've fallen in love with has been cancelled. This is basically my life. I'm cursed. The moment I like a show, it's cancelled. Have you guys heard of EYE CANDY? Have you heard of Eye Candy? Eye Candy is adapted from a book by R.L. Stine. Eye Candy (show) is about a hacker named Lindy who reluctantly joins the world of online dating. Once immersed in it, one of the men she's dating turns out to be a total creep and deadly stalker who targets her and anyone who she loves. Eye Candy stars V[...]


Monsters of Dr. Who… THE DALEKS

This is the first of my series on the monsters of one of my favorite shows... DR. WHO! On the third Friday of each month come celebrate the creepy of a show that has been around for 50 years. But... but, KATHY! Dr. Who is science fiction! What is it doing on a horror blog? Because it's scary! That's why. Geez, don't you trust me? The Daleks have been around forever. Conceived by Terry Nation, they first appeared in the episode 'The Dead Planet' in 1963. Every single regeneration of the Doctor has faced these terrible beings, making them the greatest enemy[...]


Quiz: What Horror Are You?

Do you kinda love (secretly or openly) Buzzfeed quizzes? I know I do. They are pointless and mostly wrong, but they are fun all the same. Which made me want to make a What Horror Are You? quiz. Answer the questions below, and enjoy the fun. Quiz: [playbuzz-item url="//www.playbuzz.com/kimgqw10/what-type-of-horror-are-you"]   So, what horror are you? Do you agree with it? Disagree?  


Yes, Gone Home really is a horror game.

Late last year a kerfuffle broke out on twitter about video games, one of the many, many, many targets of the ire was the critically acclaimed game Gone Home. People said it was too short, it wasn't really a video game, it cost too much, it was marketed as a horror game when it wasn't one--- Whoa, whoa, back that up, sparky. Not a horror game? Okay, if you haven't played Gone Home, stop reading this now, buy the game, and play it. You'll thank me. There's a lot to love here, from the riot grrrrl soundtrack, to the voice acting, and the '90s references. Thi[...]


The Ouija Board

The original Ouija Board, originally created in 1852, when William Benjamin Carpenter analyzed how the original talking boards worked. The toy Ouija board was patented in 1891 by Elijah Bond, Charles Kennard, and William H.A. Maupin. From here, the idea of a talking board grew in popularity and eventually became the Ouija board we know today. In 1973--the year I was born BTW, maybe this has something to do with my love of horror--The Exorcist hit the big screen; changing the fun game into a gateway to hell. This certainly didn't deter people from using one, inst[...]


Horror in Unfamiliar Territory: The Reddit Resources

Once upon a time when this creepy lady first met her honeybunch (hereafter known as HB for simplicity's sake), they discovered that they shared many geeky things in common and affection blossomed over text messages and in the depths of the blanket forts they built together to watch movies. He liked the Avengers and she liked the X-Men. He wrote code and she designed interfaces. They both enjoyed fiery Indian food and even though he didn't like horror movies, he curled up with her to watch The Babadook for the first time. Their blanket forts became architectural[...]


Cover Reveal: SWEET MADNESS by Lindsay Currie and Trisha Leaver

SWEET MADNESS, September 18, 2015 from Merit Press Lizzie Borden took an axe And gave her mother forty whacks. When she saw what she had done, She gave her father forty one. Who was Lizzie Borden? A confused young woman, or a cold-hearted killer? For generations, people all over the world have wondered how Andrew Borden and his second wife, Abby, met their gruesome deaths. Lizzie, Andrew’s younger daughter, was charged, but a jury took only 90 minutes to find her not guilty. In this retelling, the family maid, Bridget Sullivan, shines a compassionate light on[...]


Hidden Gem: American Mary

American Mary background in the image above thanks to Bloody Disgusting. Hey all! It's Kim again, and I'm going to have a small series I'll be running for a month or two called Hidden Gem. There are so many great horror movies out there—both domestic and foreign—that don't get the love they deserve, usually because they don't fall under the mainstream film category (like say the Friday the 13th movie franchise or Scream does). So for my first post on Hidden Gem, I'm focusing one of my favorites: American Mary. Hidden Gem: American Mary I love, love,[...]


Horror? But You Seem So Nice…

The strange and dark things that exist in my mind surprise people. I seem so nice. So innocent. Well, not exactly. For my first post here with The Midnight Society (EEEEEEKK!) I want to introduce myself... or more specifically the dark side of myself. The weird, the fantastic, the scary have always drawn me to gaze into the shadows, to look under the bed and in the closet, well, maybe not the closet. Let's not go crazy. There are monsters in there. Seriously, you know that, right? My love of horror began long ago. Books like 'The Spell of the Sorcerer's Sk[...]