


Books Bound in Human Skin

I love books. I have over six hundred of them in my library, and I'm still finding creative ways to cram more in even though I'm running out of space on my shelves. I especially love leather-bound books, though I don't have too many of those (YA titles don't usually get released with ooh la la fancy bindings like that.) There's something warm and buttery about holding a hand bound volume -- but what if a book you thought was simple moo cow hide was actually something a little more sinister? One of the most famous examples of a book bound in human skin comes from[...]


52 Hours of Classic Horror

Want to catch up on your classic horror stories, but don't have enough time? My husband stumbled upon this 52 hour spotify playlist of scary stories. Most of these are pulled from the days of radio broadcasts. The list includes your classic Edgar Allan Poe and Hitchcock stories, and a 1944 broadcast of Frankenstein. There are stories and poems, lasting a single minute or twenty-five. I've always had a romantic fascination with Frankenstein, and started pulling out Edgar Allan Poe volumes in my youngest library days. I love the rattling of chains and the howl or[...]


Penny Dreadful- A Review

  Let's begin with those freaky spiders in the beginning. I mean, come on! There nothing scarier than a woman praying while a spider crawls down her arm. Of course it would induce a grand eye rolling session! "Unbridled pleasures of youth." Now that sums up dear old Ethan Chandler. He drinks to excess and has sex with a stranger all within the first 10 minutes of the show. Still, he's intrigued by Vanessa Ives and follows her into the depths of an underground Opium den for a job. This all leads to Sir Malcolm, who is in search of his daughter. Cue the[...]


The Witches of Salem

I'm packing my bags today. Not, as you might imagine, because I've been accused of doing something insidious and I need to get out of dodge, but because I'm hopping on a plane tomorrow and heading to Boston for a week for work. Given my proximity to several creepy things, including Salem, I figured it might be prime opportunity to open up the floor for discussion on the latest television show to jump on the horror bandwagon. We've seen the haunted house and asylum aliens a la American Horror Story, we've got the zombies in The Walking Dead, we're even taking a c[...]


Locke & Key

Today I'm going to tell you about my most favorite graphic novel series ever, Locke & Key. This dark fantasy-horror series is a thriller with gore and ghosts and an old mansion and such a detailed and beautiful mythology, it makes my jaw drop open in awe. If I could just strap you down and hold your eyes open to make you read it, I would. Description: Locke & Key tells of Keyhouse, an unlikely New England mansion, with fantastic doors that transform all who dare to walk through them. Home to a hate-filled and relentless creature that will not rest until[...]


Horror Writer Interview #3- Jennifer Brinkmeyer

When I first put the call out on Twitter asking for woman horror writers to contact me because I wanted to interview them, I have to say...I didn't expect this turn out. I've learned a lot from these talented ladies. This week's interview focuses on Jennifer Brinkmeyer. She's currently seeking representation for her manuscript: SEED OF BODY. We all wish her the VERY best of luck!   1.  What does the word “horror” mean to you? Horror means being scared by the what-if and the what-would-I do-if. A lot of times I’ll make fun of what’s happening in a[...]


Fear Street is back with Party Games!

I loved reading R.L. Stine as a child. My parents raised me watching scary movies and reading horror novels. When I was five, I had two favorite movies. One was The Little Mermaid. The other one was Halloween. Yep, like Michael Myers.   Needless to say, I've read pretty much every single Goosebumps and Fear Street novel out there. To me, it's like a rite of passage for children who love scary things. So imagine my excitement when I heard the news... FEAR STREET IS BACK. That's right. R.L. Stine has a new Fear Street novel coming out called Party Games[...]


Three Web Articles Guaranteed to Freak You Out

Guys, the internet is a scary place. I know because I found several creatures from my nightmares on here just yesterday. So, of course I thought it would only be fair to share the scary with all of you. And by share, I mean take you on a short but disturbing tour around the interwebz. Here are three articles I found this week that are guaranteed to freak you the freak out. Dog-human sculpture art by Patricia Piccinini I mean, it literally looks like a dog/human hybrid. So exquisitely strange. Terrifying Mega Worm from Australia Just what is up with Aus[...]


You Haven’t Caught Jenny Pox Yet?

Jenny Pox by JL Bryan is one of those books I downloaded because it had a pretty cover, and it was free, and I thought, hey, why not? I'm a big fan of starting books and if I'm not entranced ten percent in, I let it go. Jenny Pox had me from the first creepy chapter. Can I repeat creepy? I need to repeat creepy. Here's the Jenny Pox synopsis: Eighteen-year-old Jenny Morton has a horrific secret: her touch spreads a deadly supernatural plague, the "Jenny pox." She lives by a single rule: Never touch anyone. A lifetime of avoiding any physical contact with other[...]


Horror Writer Interview #2: Jenna Lehne

I am super excited to bring to our little corner of the cemetery, yet another interview with horror writer Jenna Lehne! Seriously love her answers, especially to #3. Enjoy!   Interview 1.  Why write horror? What draws you to writing in this genre?   I like scaring people. I’m the kind of person that will hide behind the front door for half an hour just so I can jump out and scare you.   I started writing horror because there’s so much to work with. People are afraid of everything. My friend, for example, is afraid of balloons. Another is[...]