


Let’s Watch a #Horror Movie…Annabelle

It's that time again! To bring together all the lovers of the scary and creepy on Twitter for a live-tweet. Let's watch a horror movie! This month...Annabelle. A 2014 American horror film directed by John R. Leonetti, produced by James Wan, and written by Gary Dauberman, Annabelle was truly a delight to see in the theaters. And by delight I mean a creepy good time. We met Annabelle briefly at the beginning of the movie The Conjuring...remember? Well, we did miss her and wanted to know how this doll came to be...you know, evil. Well... Back in the 1970s, th[...]


Let’s Watch a Horror Movie…The Conjuring 2

I know everyone has been waiting on the edge of their seats to learn what horror movie we will be live-tweeting this month! Well, last month watching The Conjuring was SO MUCH FUN, let's continue with The Conjuring 2! The 2016 horror sequel to The Conjuring written by Carey Hayes, Chad Hayes, James Wan, and David Leslie Johnson and directed by James Wan follows the Hodgson family's experiences in the London Borough of Enfield in 1977-1979, based on the true story of The Enfield Poltergeist. Strange things are happening in the Hodgson's council house... Peg[...]


Short Horror Films

Short on time? Day job grinding you down? Trying to find two minutes to take a pee break? I know the feeling. Crazy work weeks make for very little time to dose myself with the dark stuff. Some of my favorite things when life gets hectic are short, compacted horror stories and films. Six words stories? Cool. I'm down. Short films that are under twenty minutes to watch? Even better. I've collected a few recent finds to share with you today, and yes, I'm keeping my blather brief. Short Horror Films The Smiling Man You might've seen the other Smiling Man video in c[...]


Twin Peaks Is a Must-Watch for Horror Fans

I love David Lynch. He infuses everything he creates with a weirdness that is almost cosmic. There is a disturbing undertone to all of his works that is punctuated by moments of outright terror. Each of his films and shows are filled with moments that once you've seen them stay embedded in your mind forever. He has a way of placing the viewer inside of someone else's dream (or nightmare), and making us reflect on the darker parts of ourselves. I came to David Lynch by way of Eraserhead (1977), Blue Velvet (1986) and Wild at Heart (1990), the latter of which[...]


Let’s Watch a Horror Movie…The Conjuring

If you don't know about my love *cough*obsession*cough* of live-tweeting horror movies, well... WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN? In my little real life world, I have no horror-loving friends, so I turn to my Twitter buddies to share in everything scary. Because watching movies with friends is better. Join me! We have ever so much fun! *hides the bloody knife* This month... A 2013 supernatural horror directed by James Wan and written by Chad Hayes and Carey Hayes. Meet the Perron family...Roger and Carolyn and their girls Andrea, Nancy, Christine, Cindy, and April. Th[...]


Real Talk: On writing, community, horror, and aspiration

Hello fellow horror fans. Today we're visiting the deep end of the swimming pool. Let's shimmy up to the edge, our toes curling around the lip of cement that separates us from the water, and peer down into the murk and what lingers there. It's been some time since I've tried to put one of these posts together, and there's a good reason for that. Let's call it the separation of church and state; art and presentation; craft and identity. I'm at DragonCon this weekend, surrounded by a hoard of seventy thousand like-minded individuals who are, cumulatively, wilder a[...]


Let’s Watch a #Horror Movie…The Cabin in the Woods

That's right! My choice of movie to live-tweet this month is one of Amy's (one of our Midnighters) favorites!   I watched The Cabin in the Woods because Amy told me to. Basically. And why wouldn't I want to? This 2012 horror/comedy was written by Drew Goddard and Joss Whedon, directed by Drew Goddard and produced by Joss Whedon. Dude. This movie made me laugh, cringe, and sent my horror-loving heart all aflutter. SO LET'S WATCH IT TOGETHER! We'll follow five college friends... As they go on a little vacation to a deserted cabin deep in the woods. It[...]


Interview: Jolene Haley and Brian LeTendre

Hello, Darlings!!   I am SO thrilled to have our very own Horror Twins, Brian LeTendre and Jolene Haley, on the blog today! They graciously let me feast on their brains about their books, both past and upcoming. So I'll stop boring you and just hop right in!   How did you two start writing together in the first place? Brian: I was lucky enough to participate in a few of the Pen & Muse writing showcases (Dark Carnival and Haunt), and I was a big fan of Jolene's because she's such a positive force in the writing community. I asked her to be a gu[...]


Let’s Watch a #Horror Movie…The Possession

It's that time again, where I announce the horror movie I will live tweet for this month! Because if you're like me, you don't have any friends who like to have their minds assaulted by creepiness. And this is wrong. So let's watch... The Possession Meet Clyde and Stephanie. Formerly married, now living apart and sharing custody of their two daughters. Emily "Em" and Hannah. Who are not so thrilled to be staying with their dad. At a garage sale, Em finds a wooden box with Hebrew writing. She's drawn to it. She wants it. Her father buys it for her. But t[...]


Stranger Things

If you have been anywhere on social media lately, I'm sure you've heard about the Netflix show, Stranger Things. Winona Ryder stars in this horror series, one that is very reminiscent of 80s movies. I mean, back then there was little technology so directors used music to create tension. Without that famous score, how else did you know that Jason was about to come out and grab a new victim? From posters celebrating hits from the 80s, to the dangling phone receiver, to the creepy white van that drives down the street--Stranger Things brings back real fear using the[...]