


Like the STRANGER THINGS Score? Check Out S U R V I V E

Like everyone else on the planet who is remotely interested in horror, I recently devoured the eight episode masterpiece that was Stranger Things. As someone who grew up in the '80s, this series has earned a very special place in my heart. And I could write for days about the loving homages to King, Carpenter, Koontz, Barker and many other horror masters that the Duffer Brothers wove into the show. But that's not what I'm here to write about today. See, there are few things that I love even more than horror, but one of them is music. There are places where my lov[...]


A Selection of J-Horror Movies for Every Horror Fan Type

The ever-so amazing Kira has a list of her essential J-Horror movies here for you to pick from and  I previously mentioned the movies you can find on Amazon streaming and Netflix here. And as I mentioned before, J-Horror is my favorite horror. I think K-Horror (Korean) and C-Horror (Chinese) are really spectacular as well, but J-Horror was kinda my first and you always have special feelings for your first. And previously, our wonderful Erica mentioned how she has trouble with gore movies, so it got me thinking--I used to hate gore too, but now I can stomac[...]


J-Horror: What You Can Find On Netflix & Amazon Prime

So I am the one to blame for J-Horror July. I used Birthday Month Privileges to talk everyone else here at the Midnight Mansion into letting me have this. So yay~ A Quick Lesson On Why J-Horror is Better than American Horror I love J-Horror. It's my favorite, and I think historically the best. You don't see the Japanese remaking American horror movies (you don't really see anyone remaking American horror movies, tbh) but you do see Americans constantly remaking Japanese horror movies, to name a few: The Grudge, The Ring, Shudder, One Missed Call, Pulse, and so[...]


Mr. King Does it Again!

It's no secret who one of my favorite horror authors is...if you don't know, here are just two posts I've written about him. Go on. Check them out, I'll wait. http://wp.me/p4n7GW-gq http://wp.me/p4n7GW-D6 Meeting Stephen King is on my bucket list. Honestly, this is the only thing on my bucket list, so I've been completely jealous of those who are posting pics of seeing him speak. No matter, I still got a hold of a copy of his latest in the Bill Hodges Trilogy. With each new story he writes, I'm struck by the masterful way he weaves the lives of his characters[...]


Let’s Watch a #Horror Movie…MAMA

I love ghosts, truly my favorite part of the world of horror. They fascinate me. So for this month's movie I chose one of my favorite ghost stories. Co-written and directed by Andres Mushietti, with the fantastic Guillermo del Toro as executive producer, Mama hit theaters in 2013. Dude. I went. And I was the only one in the theater. Empty theaters are creepy...in case you wondered. The shadow play from the flickering light caused me to glance into the space around me more than once. I had a blast! So, the movie! Let's watch it, shall we? TOGETHER! YES.[...]


Halfway There

Hello Kittens!   Happy Halfoween! In honor of this spooky celebration, here is one of my favorite kill scenes, from one of my all-time favorite movies, Thir13en Ghosts. (It's not Halfoween if someone isn't getting bisected) While I was drumming up ideas for my blog post, I kept thinking of the fact that we're halfway to Halloween. It might just be me, but I feel like everything is "halfway" lately. My kid is always halfway clean. I'm halfway done the laundry (meaning it's sitting in the washer, slowly drying). My jobs are halfway done at work. The bottle[...]


Interview: The Black Tapes

Hello, Kittens!   I have a surprise for you all! So you guys obviously know how much I love podcasts, specifically The Black Tapes If you haven't listened to The Black Tapes before, head over to their website and check it out. It is awesome. In fact, I love it so much I may or may not write Alex/Strand fanfiction. (Spoiler alert: I totally do). So it gives me immense pleasure to welcome Alex and Nic to the blog!! First off, I'm dying to know how have your lives changed since you’ve started delving into the paranormal? Are you more weary of the sounds c[...]


Book Review: THE STUMPS OF FLATTOP HILL by Ken Lamug

Ken Lamug's THE STUMPS OF FLATTOP HILL brings a long-overdue disturbance to the picture book arena. The cover alone promised me things that I was desperate for the story to keep. And keep them, it did. THE STUMPS OF FLATTOP HILL is an otherworldly cautionary picture book in which dear little Florence accepts a dare to face perils unknown but ends up Doing Something Else And That Is All I Will Say On The Plot Because Reasons. If you want more, go here or here.  What I love about Lamug's storytelling is that it's done in fluctuating rhythm[...]


Mansions of Madness: Clue for Grown-Ups

  March's theme is horror houses and I finally get to talk about my all time favorite board game. The one, the only Mansions of Madness. The set-up is you play as one of the investigators from the Arkham Horror universe or as the Keeper, who controls the eldritch forces trying to stop you. You'll explore mysterious locations from mad scientist labs to mysterious, foreboding... um, mansions as you rush to solve mysteries of cosmic proportions. As the player, you move from room to room, exploring, finding items, falling into traps, and uncovering clue[...]


The May Queen Murders Exclusive Content + Interview

I'm beyond excited to have one of my favorite new authors on the blog today, Sarah Jude. When I first heard of her book, The May Queen Murders, I flipped out. It sounded amazing. Something that I didn't know I was waiting to read. And then I saw the cover and it was perfect. Let me share more... The May Queen Murders by Sarah Jude easily fits into the overlapping worlds of horror, suspense and romance. More freaky than gore, it’s not the usual fright-fest and instead pulls from Ozark lore that builds in tension as the secrets of traditions are unearthed. Sat[...]