


Midnight Society Movie Night: IT

Let's Watch a Horror Movie is now the Midnight Society Movie Night! Every month I live-tweet a scary movie to share the fun with anyone who wants to join. This month I'm watching IT. Join us. We all float down here. The evil from the sewers comes for dinner, I mean, IT only eats once every 29 years, so can we blame IT? A super fun movie where we can spend time with Pennywise the Dancing Clown. Who can say no? I'll give you a balloon. Directed by Andy Muschietti and based on 1986 Stephen King book, this movie takes us to meet and battle IT. Ben, Richie, Eddie[...]


Let’s Talk #Horror Movies… IT

We, here at The Midnight Society, are big Stephen King fans. When we heard IT was being made into a movie...we freaked out a little. Okay, a lot. The book is a monster, published in 1986 it stands at 1138 pages. The story flips between the late 1950s and the mid 1980s...27 years in-between. A great look at life as a kid versus life as an adult, how our fears change, but never leave us. I've read the book twice. Scared the crud out of me, infected my brain with ideas that creatures in the drains were going to kill me. Then the mini-series aired in the fall of[...]


IT- My Review

I FINALLY SAW THE MOVIE I'VE BEEN WAITING FOR! Whew. *wipes brow from all of the excitement* I know that there are some mixed reviews out there on Facebook and Twitter, but you won't get that here. I LOVED IT! Yes, there are parts that could have been closer to the book. Yes, Beverly is treated like a damsel in distress. Yes, the character development could have been stronger. But...a book that is over 1,100 pages long is quite difficult to reproduce--for goodness sakes, the 1990 TV miniseries couldn't even do it in over 3 hours of time! So instead of focusi[...]


The Official IT Trailer

I've posted here many times about my admiration for Stephen King. My love of reading began in high school when I picked up his horror novel, IT. So it shouldn't be a surprise how excited I am for the new movie to be released. Well, imagine my surprise when I hopped onto Facebook and saw A NEW TRAILER was released two weeks ago!! If this trailer didn't scare you...I'm not sure what will. Coming to theaters: September 8, 2017 XOXO A[...]


Going Back at IT (The First 120 Pages)

As I wrote about a little while back, I am attempting to make my way through Stephen king's IT for the first time, and this is my fifth attempt. The previous four have all ended somewhere between the 500-700-page mark, if I remember correctly. So, I read through the first 120 pages or so, which, according to my Kindle, is approxiamtely 11% of the book. I just finished being introduced to Beverly, the sixth of our seven main characters. Her introduction was arguably the most jarring, as we are given a very close (and graphic) look at the abusive relationship that[...]


Going Back at IT

Confession time: I've never read Stephen King's IT. Well, that's not entirely true--I've tried to read IT four separate times over the last thirty years. I was twelve when the book first came out, and I remember taking my dad's copy after he was done with it. I was a big Stephen King fan, having gobbled up all of his short stories to that point. I'd also recently finished Pet Sematary, so I was excited when I saw IT on our kitchen table one day. But despite two separate tries in the next year or so, I wasn't able to get more than halfway through the book. In t[...]


Reboot of IT Circles the Drain

I took a deep breathe when I saw this Tweet yesterday: Stephen King @StephenKing · May 25 The remake of IT may be dead--or undead--but we'll always have Tim Curry. He's still floating down in the sewers of Derry. 2,473 retweets 4,280 favorites Reply Retweet2.5K Favorite4.3K Oh my! You all know that It is my favorite Stephen King book, and that Pennywise had me scared to death of clowns (which I saw after I performed as a clown in my high school's production of Barnum). I was ridiculously interested in how a new version would look, even though I don't think[...]


Urban Legends

The first urban legend I ever heard was the legend of the hook man. I was probably five or six and by that time, I was already addicted to scary stories and movies. My dad would turn the living room lights down and tell the story. My brother and I hung on every single word. Sure, little things changed here or there, but for the most part the key elements of the story remained the same. Have you heard of the Hook Man?   Let me summarize it for you. A young couple out on a date is parked at a lover's lane, kissing in a car. They've been interupted once or[...]


Horror? But You Seem So Nice…

The strange and dark things that exist in my mind surprise people. I seem so nice. So innocent. Well, not exactly. For my first post here with The Midnight Society (EEEEEEKK!) I want to introduce myself... or more specifically the dark side of myself. The weird, the fantastic, the scary have always drawn me to gaze into the shadows, to look under the bed and in the closet, well, maybe not the closet. Let's not go crazy. There are monsters in there. Seriously, you know that, right? My love of horror began long ago. Books like 'The Spell of the Sorcerer's Sk[...]


Reboot of the Horror Movie

Love horror? If you search the Internet, you'll find just how many horror films will be releasing over the next two years. Today, the focus is on horror reboots. While there are many being talked about, only a handful have made progress in writing, casting, and filming. I have seen every one of the originals. The Crow was dark and haunting. Frankenstein was amazing in black and white. Poltergeist scarred me for life. Carrie is the book that almost wasn't. The story behind Stephen King's path to success is as amazing as the movie version is. Gremlins--a stuffed[...]