
new adult


Writing Bloody: Research

  For this week's installment of Writing Bloody, I'd like to talk about research. Going on a fact finding mission is imperative to writing a believable story. Some things you can fake, we all know that. But what you can't fake are facts. For example, making up your own name for a specific emergency room tool--like a scalpel-- will NOT work (neither will made up spelling). Can you make up scenery or make your own mad scientist formula? Sure. But still, there needs to be a balance between fact and fiction or your readers won't believe a thing your selling.[...]


New Adult

Since I recently self-published my debut NA psychological horror, The Bleeding Heart, I've been thinking a lot about what new adult is, what it means to me, and how it's perceived in the publishing world. Why? Because unless I'm talking to another writer or someone in the book industry, new adult is a completely foreign term and I've had to explain it to quite a few people. I have found a niche in new adult horror, so I decided to dedicate my posts on our blog to this category and genre of literature. I hope you join me in the celebration:) Before we can move o[...]


#EverydayIsHalloween Jack-o-lantern Contest

Hey there, boos and ghouls! Halloween is a little more than a week away, and you know what that means. Yep, your local grocery store will soon be out of Reese's Peanut Butter Pumpkins. It's tragic, I know. But at least we here at The Midnight Society have another fun Halloween contest to help take your mind off of it! Here are the rules: * Carve a really cool jack-o-lantern * Like The Midnight Society Facebook page * Post a picture of your really cool jack-o-lantern to our Facebook. (If you don't have Facebook, you can still participate. Just comment here o[...]


Contagious Reads Horror Con: Celebrating Women in Horror

Today I have an exciting event to tell you about! One of my favorite horror book blogs, Contagious Reads, is going to be hosting a conference celebrating women horror writers. Big shout out to our very own Faith, for giving me the heads up on this one. I'm thrilled to tell you I'll be participating in two panels (Romance in Horror and Zombies: The Struggle To Not Be Pidgeonholed Into One Subgenre) AND (EEEEEK!)... my zombies from FATAL have been nominated for Best Zombies! But the best new is, ALL OF YOU CAN GO. Because it's free and it's on Facebook. Isn't that[...]


Creature Feature: Aliens, Do you believe?

Do you believe in aliens? If you are any part human, you have at least wondered about the existence of extraterrestrial life. Maybe your idea of alien lifeforms are cute and cuddly, ala E.T. Or perhaps something more along the lines of the monster from the movie Alien. Maybe you gravitate toward the idea that other planetary life might simply consist of plants and micro-organisms. Whatever the case, the possibility that a being who is not human could occupy the universe is both intriguing and chilling. This is what makes alien books, movies, and TV shows so inter[...]


Camp NaNoWriMo – Horror Style

Are any of you doing Camp NaNoWriMo? Now, I know that Camp NaNoWriMo isn't completely horror related, but it just so happens that the novel I'm working on for Camp NaNoWriMo is a YA horror novel, titled Katherine In the Lighthouse. Because if there's one thing that I think the young adult and new adult writing community needs, it's horror. The novel I'm working on is for an idea I had a while ago. I started writing it and I quickly fell in love with the concept and the characters. And then I had one of those realizations that you dread as an author. That what I[...]


Interview With Nikki Rae

Today I'm excited to introduce you to the author, Nikki Rae! She has just recently completed The Sunshine Series, a dark romantic paranormal tale for the new adult crowd. I've followed her online for a few years now, from the beginning of this series, and can tell you that Nikki Rae loves what she does--sharing stories. In only six questions, we cover why she likes to tell dark stories, her fears, Halloween costumes, book recommendations, and what she's working on next! Let's jump in... You write dark, scary, romantic tales. Why do you like to tell these storie[...]