


Writing Bloody- Plotter or Pantster

Last week's question was: How do you write and why do you think it works for you? I am a total pantster and write very similarly to our very own Kathy Palm (see below). I write all my ideas and thoughts down, then try to connect the dots. This works for me, but I do see the value in having a complete outline. I know the top writers do this...but I just can't. I've tried to outline, but I get frustrated with the confines of what I've sketched out. I do brainstorm and "outline" in my head, if that counts. I mean, I do think about where the story is going and who[...]


Writing Bloody

Welcome to my weekly blog post, Writing Bloody. Last week I posted three AMAZING banners made by our very own Faith, and asked you to vote on which one I should use. Well, the votes are in! The voting was extremely close, but as with everything...there is only one winner. And the winner is...   Thanks for all of you who commented and for Jolene and Faith who are the whole reason for this post. I love you gals! How about we get started talking about writing again? It's been a struggle for me to move away from my debut novel, The Bleeding Heart, and wor[...]