


Pizza Baby!

Hello!   It's been over a month since I've posted and oh, how I've missed you! This post is a bit of a cheat since I'm not really posting anything, just announcing! I'll be back to the same old next, next Friday, but for today I have two little announcements. First off, I birthed the newest member of the Midnight Society! This little turnip's name is Esmond Matthew :D I'm 100% biased, but that is one cute tiny human. Along with a real baby, there's also a new book baby in my life! Our commander, Jolene, curated a selection of delightful pizza-inspired sh[...]


Creepy Pizza (A Poem)

Most of you that know me, understand that I love pizza more than most things. Like boys or oxygen or money (which can be problematic because most people wont barter for pizza). Anywho, I came across this gem on the interwebs and I knew it couldn't be ignored. I introduce to you, possibly the most incredible poem of the modern society. World, meet Creepy Pizza. Creepy Pizza, world. Creepy Pizza by Neal Levin   I’d like a pizza topped with cheese then sprinkled with some gnats and fleas, some centipedes and slimy slugs, and other creepy, crawly bugs. I w[...]