


No Sleep till Tokyo: Essential J-Horror Films you shouldn’t watch alone

Everyone's got their thing: for some people it's slasher movies, for others it's creepy-looking revenge spirits. I fall into the latter category. Given that it's j-horror month, I'd like to celebrate by re-introducing a few of my favourite horror movies that deal with yurei. Even if you've never heard the word "yurei" before, you'd probably know one if you saw one: the white shoudlike dress, the long, matted black hair, and the penchant for indiscriminately killing anything and everything they come in contact with after a certain amount of time. It's a very parti[...]


Curious Things Found on the Internet – Part II

Hello guys and ghouls! This, being the second in the series of Curious Things Found on the Internet (you can read the first here), I'm running with a literary theme this week. The way this works: I offer up an interesting tidbit found in my internet travels along with a book pairing inspired by the oddity, as well as a drink to go with it. Without further ado, let's get to it: 1. Popular Writers: A Stephen King interview In which Neil Gaiman interviews Stephen King. This is an older interview, dating back to 2012, but if I haven't already overstated it: both[...]