


Middle Grade Horror: What Makes It…It

About a week ago, I finished the first draft of my middle grade horror manuscript Nightmare Garden. I know. I like the title too. The beginning of my middle grade horror manuscript Nightmare Garden So what makes my words middle grade horror? Do I even know what I'm doing? Yes. Mostly. And these are all my opinions, for I'm no expert. I love reading middle grade, so why not write it? I wrote Nightmare Garden because my first adventure into the land of MG was so much fun. Well, fun...and painful...and frustrating...and fun. Middle grade, my happy[...]


Horror Author Interview with Ally Malinenko

It's October (and my favorite time of year), which means one thing... horror author interviews! I've followed author Ally Malinenko on Twitter for quite some time. Imagine my excitement when I asked to interview her as part of my horror author series and she agreed. Ally writes a number of things, like poetry and middle grade horror. She's a force to be reckoned with, so let's dive in!   Thank you so much for joining me, Ally! What kind of books do you like to write or haven you written? I started our writing fantasy and science fiction for middle gra[...]


Borderlands Press Writers Boot Camp – Part I

I spent the past weekend at Borderlands Press Writers Boot Camp. My cohort of writer grunts faced brutally honest horror and science fiction writers and an editor, and they pushed us to self-edit and craft our best stories. Writers (especially speculative fiction writers) who want to take their craft to the next level will be transformed by Borderlands Press Writers Boot Camp. It took two years for me to believe my writing was ready after JG Faherty recommended it to me. Application to Borderlands Boot Camp included a writing sample, after all. Once accepted, I[...]


New Year, Better Year: Setting Horror Writing Goals

That weird little plant you scraped up from the gutter. That pulsating mountain off the coast of Japan. That collection of body parts you procured for your experiments. Can you feel the unearthly forces about to burst forth and release the monster that could conquer the world? On New Year's Day 2018, I posted New Year, New You, a story about becoming what you truly want to be. Behind the story were horror writing goals I set for myself. I wrote more. I submitted more stories for publication and contests. I applied to writing events. It was scary and hard wo[...]


Writing Fear and Suspense with Jenna Moreci

Ah, writing. The act itself can be one wrought with fear and suspense. As much as perfection and the validation that comes with knowing it all would be comforting, no one will ever be done improving. I wouldn't have it any other way, even on the days where I'm staring at a blank cursor wondering if I even know what words are anymore. There is so much to love in that struggle. I love the challenge of pushing myself to think about story in a new way. I love staring off into space, wondering how to tell the story. I love the challenge of knowing it will never be exac[...]


Plot Your Novel – Nightmare, or Thrill Ride?

Should you plot your novel, or dive in and pants it? What is the right way to outline? What is a plot, even? “Plot is people. Human emotions and desires founded on the realities of life, working at cross purposes, getting hotter and fiercer as they strike against each other until finally there’s an explosion—that’s Plot.” —Leigh Brackett There are as many ways to write a book as there are books. Notice I said "books", and not writers. Because it is likely that every book you write will be a little different. Sometimes your method for getting it done[...]


Book Cover Review: THE GIRL AND THE GROVE by Eric Smith

As a visual and tactile learner, I judge books by their cover. And fifty percent of the time it works. Every time. Eric Smith's The Girl and the Grove was no exception. Since filming, I am halfway through the story and am happy to report that Eric Smith delivers what Jake Nordby's cover design promises. Tenfold. The Girl and the Grove is earthy, honest, and mysterious. And even though the bullies give me the jibblies, I have a hunch they'll get their comeuppance or redemption as I go. Special thanks to Eric Smith and Flux Books for donating this gem to o[...]


Happy Camp NaNoWriMo! Keep writing, writing, writing!

It's April 2nd, which means that many of you participating in Camp NaNoWriMo have been working on your book or your project for two days already! Or erm, if you're like me, you really haven't started yet because of the weekend and um, yeah, I should probably get on that. First off, CONGRATULATIONS on taking the next step to make your creative project a reality if you are participating and already signed up. Secondly, if you haven't checked out NaNoWriMo, you should! It's a great way to start the project you've been wanting to work on and creating excellent writ[...]