


Camp NaNoWriMo – Horror Style

Are any of you doing Camp NaNoWriMo? Now, I know that Camp NaNoWriMo isn't completely horror related, but it just so happens that the novel I'm working on for Camp NaNoWriMo is a YA horror novel, titled Katherine In the Lighthouse. Because if there's one thing that I think the young adult and new adult writing community needs, it's horror. The novel I'm working on is for an idea I had a while ago. I started writing it and I quickly fell in love with the concept and the characters. And then I had one of those realizations that you dread as an author. That what I[...]


Bad Writing as Inspiration: Happy Birthday to Me!

It’s my birthday today! So, because I love you all very much, I sat down and watched the seriously terrible 1981 slasher film Happy Birthday To Me. It’s bad. Really bad. And not even in that “so bad it’s good way”. Nope, just bad. But the film did leave me thinking about what we can learn from bad writing. By studying the places the script for Happy Birthday to Me went so horribly off the rails, what lessons can we apply to our own stories, particularly within gory tales of suspense and murder? (This review/analysis is going to be full of spoilers, but[...]


You’re Not Afraid of the Dark.

All those silent, watchful things that we grew up with from the time we were children — the stories shared around campfires, at sleepovers,  secrets handed down from older siblings — we grew out of believing they were true, right? There’s nothing behind the cracked door of your closet, open two inches too far to show anything beyond the slat of pitch. There’s nothing under the bed that might reach for your ankles if you slipped from the covers to place your heels on cold floor. And certainly, there’s nothing waiting in your peripheral vision in a darke[...]