
Lipstick & Zombies: Rockin’ the Apocalypse

Lipstick & Zombies by Faith McKay

It’s not often that a writer can pin down the exact moment they came up with the idea for their book or series, but I can, because it was on twitter.

Yes, The Spice Girls were very big in the 1980s. *headdesk*

AND THERE IT IS. I was kidding when I hit tweet. But then it wheedled its way into my thoughts. What would that story look like…. how would I do that… I was working on other stories at the time, but that never matters when those questions start nagging at you. And here I am a year and a half later. I’ve at least drafted the first three novels, and one novella, in the Deadly Divas series, and book one, Lipstick & Zombies, is out tomorrow!

Lipstick & Zombies

LIPSTICK & ZOMBIES (Deadly Divas, #1)

WANTED. Five girls. Must be able to sing, dance, and kill zombies.

Five unknown students are desperate to change their lives.

They know they have what it takes to become one of the Deadly Divas.

Now they just have to prove it to what’s left of the world.


Buy it on Amazon

From tweet, to novel! Lipstick & Zombies will be delivered to the beautiful people who’ve pre-ordered it on Kindle at midnight tonight. The five divas and I have spent a lot of time together since that first tweet, and I’m so excited for them to finally be out in the world, getting all of the attention they so desperately want.

Logo7-smOne last thing if you’re interested in the series: tomorrow I’ll be sending out an update for the people on the McKay Manor newsletter, which will include free a copy of Death & Fashion, a Deadly Divas novella. You can sign up for that (and get a free copy of Robert McKay’s novella) on McKayManor.com.

Zombie guts and pop songs! Chainsaws and high heels! I’m off to tweet my next novel idea…

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